How to unstake from a vault

Unstaking from Eleven Finance vaults is a relatively straight forward process. It is important to note, that when you unstake from a vault, you will incur a 0.1% fee on the amount you are unstaking if you are unstaking LP's and a 0.2% fee on the amount you are unstaking if you are unstaking a single asset, this will be deducted from your position as you remove it.

In the Vault page of Eleven Finance if you scroll down or search for the vault you are looking for. This can be simplified by selecting 'Deposited only' to find the vaults you are in. Select the 'Withdraw' button, confirm the amount in the popup and then confirm the transaction and on completion you will see the corresponding LP tokens and be showing in the 'Balance' column on the left hand side of the screen.

If you wish you can now take these LP tokens back to wherever you created them and remove liquidity and receive the underlying individual tokens.

Last updated