Monitoring and adjusting your position

You can monitor this position by selecting the 'My Positions' tab. Here you will see a table similar to that below:

This table outlines all relevant information about your open leveraged yield farming positions. We can see the farm pool you are in.

Collateral value of your position, this reflects the amount you collateral you have deposited into the position.

Current Leverage is a measure of the current leverage of your open position. This will start at the amount of leverage you have selected when entering the position. This value is dynamic and can be changed by several factors. It increases with the interest rate you accrue to the Bigfoot Bank, based on the platform interest rate at any given time. A drop in the value of your LP tokens will also increase your current leverage value.

The Death Leverage value is the value at which you are subject to liquidation. If your Current Leverage reaches or goes past this 'Death Leverage' value then anyone can call the Liquidate function, to liquidate your position. This 'Death Leverage' value is a fixed number set on entry to your position and based on the amount of leverage you are using as well as the nature of the farm pool you are in.

The 'Debt Ratio' is a percentage formed by dividing your 'Current Leverage' by the 'Death Leverage'. This is a single number, as it rises, so does your liquidation risk.

Finally you have the 'Actions' column here a user can adjust or close their position. Selecting the 'Adjust' button will bring up the following popup:

Here you can see options to add more collateral to your open position. This will reduce your 'Current Leverage' factor, decreasing it and moving it further from the 'Death Leverage' number. As a result you will be reducing your liquidation risk. Again you can add either the 11TOKEN or BNB, you will see your 'New Leverage' amount, you can then confirm this and the transaction and you will see your updated 'Current Leverage' amount on the 'My Positions' table.

You can also select the 'Close' button. This will bring up a transaction confirmation in your wallet to close your position. Closing your position, sees your outstanding debt repaid (including borrowing interest that has been accrued) in addition to the 0.1% vault withdrawal fee paid. You will then receive your share of BNB back. These could (and hopefully are) more than entry to the pool due to the combination of compounding rewards or other yield optimisation strategies and a larger overall position with leverage. However keep in mind that if your leverage position on exit is higher than that at which you entered (and you haven't adjusted it) you may exit with less assets.

Last updated